Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Wiki / Week 9

Wikipedia is a site known to many Internet goers. Most people also know that Wikipedia is not a reliable source for writing papers or factual information. It has a magnificent amount of information, but this site also allows people to tamper with that information. Although much written on Wikipedia may be true, not knowing the source of what's written or where it came from can be unwise.
It is possible to look up who has written on Wikipedia. But even with all of this, it is probably still advisable to check others sources for the information. I am not sure if Wikipedia will ever truly be a reliable source, but it is a way to have access to many facts or opinions throughout the internet.

Monday, October 13, 2008

180 days response/ week8

On the April blog on Fishbowl, it talks about classes in college and whether or not they are used fully. Whether changes should occur in schools by giving a presentation to students and letting them discuss this view, or if the 180 days of class are actually benefiting students. By listening to the presentation, one would infer that some changes might need to be made to certain aspects of the curriculum. One student offered the idea of random "films" in the classroom to give their classmates something different. Lectures and slide shows are not going to always captivate young minds.
I believe that this presentation would be nice to experience. I would truthfully like to change certain things in the curriculum. Do we really need "core" classes when we already took them in high school. Are lectures and non-hands on practices really the way to teach? I would prefer certain projects or student to student teaching and learn from experience. I think that their idea is very important and should be considered.


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Fischbowl response/ week7

The blog, by Karl Fisch, talks about whether teachers today must be technologically literate. Do they have to know how to use a computer properly? Should all teachers consider learning immediately if they do not have any technological abilities? He says yes. The teachers must be able to do what they teach. Teachers who are not able to understand what they are teaching may not be good role models in technology for the younger generations. Kindergarten children already know how to use computers, the teachers themselves must be able to as well.
I agree with Karl. Teachers must be able to understand the information that they give to their students. I think that some teachers are a little late in learning technological skills and therefore must learn quickly or get run over by their own students. The point of a teacher is to inform children of things they usually don't already know, or prune the things that they do know about. If a teacher knows nothing of technology, how will the students learn at all? Technology is a huge part of school now and teachers must know about it.

International Blogs/week6

Teachers use blogs internationally. The Internet is the easiest place for people to keep in contact and ask for advice quickly. Teachers all around the world have access to the Internet and are able to create blogs for all different purposes.
eTwinning is a teacher and student blog that allows each person to talk internationally. Students and teachers meet foreign people with the same interests and ideas. By using this site, people can communicate about their school or about their own teaching methods. They also can just simply make new friends.
I came across one of the English blog sites also. These blogs, blog.co.uk/, mostly talk about their teaching experience and how they are coping with it. It talks of their classroom differences then we have here in the USA. Many different schools and teachers publish blogs here.
Blogs are amazingly popular throughout the world. People love to vent, talk, and communicate to others through these sites. Aren't blogs wonderful?

k12 Blogs/week5

Blogs are able to be used by almost all ages to express thoughts, feelings, and even ideas. Teachers also use these for various reasons. They can help students express themselves or provide another way of communicating for teachers.
On education.com I found an article on a Mr. John Pearson. He is a third grade teacher from Dallas, Texas who uses blogs. He explains in his blogs about teaching and how it has effected him in his every day life. He mentions reactions children have to things and what to expect in the classroom. This is one way to use blogs.
Another blog I came across is from a teacher/ student in California asking for help with her class. This blog site on teacherlingo.com is a place where many teachers come and inquire for help. This particular teacher needs a survey answered. Blogs are where people can reach out for help and give help in return.
These are only a couple of ways to use blogs. It can be used in anyway that requires communication and assignments can even be given on blogs. Blogs are used throughout the world everyday for many different things!